Thursday, 22 January 2015

Why this generation sucks

HOLLAA,little post about what i dislike about this generation;feel free to comment your opinions on this post,means alot xo

ANTI SOCIAL.Well this generation is a social media type generation as many people already know.

The things i hate about this generation is just things like people going on their phones 24/7 like 10 year olds have things like I phones. 
I don't even have an I phone.I mean i'm not saying phones are the worst thing ever,just how often they are used;did you know a full 23 days in a year is spent on your phone? That's 552 hours.I know there might be nothing to talk about but what do you think they did before phones?


Bullying has gotten a lot worst over the past decade. Some bullying is in person and some is cyber,simple things like name calling can ruin someones life. I was bullied for awhile last year (name calling) i'm not going to get into it but the bully thought it was a 'joke' but hurting peoples feelings is not funny.Believe me its not nice no matter how little bulling is whether its name calling,physical or cyber;bullying is bullying.


The clothing of this generation is decent but it's not snazzy its boring.It hasn't even got a theme really its just clothes.Ya'll what I mean like the 80's was flares and disco,the 70's was groovy and hippy. Personally i loved the 60's clothing,all that jazzy stuff like big dresses with polka dots.Best thing everrrr!!

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